Unintended Consequences of COVID
Yes, I know, we’re all weary of talking about COVID. But I’m fascinated by its unintended consequences.
I started thinking about the sea changes that have occurred in the past 12 months due to this global pandemic, starting with the COVID “15”—those sneaky pounds we put on while homebound. Too much home cooking? Adult beverages?
Extra pounds? Not so good. Extra rounds? Great. The pandemic golf boom has been nothing short of amazing. Sustaining the interest will be a challenge, but more on that next time.
And how about the products and services experiencing a boom in demand? A year ago it was toilet paper, paper towels, and Lysol (which my local stores are still out of!). Here are a few other hot tickets:
- Bicycles and especially bicycle tires (six-month wait). An incredible number of Peletons were sold in the early days. (At $2,000-plus a pop!)
- Hair dye. With salons closed, it’s either go natural or do it yourself.
- Heat lamps, yurts, and igloos for outdoor dining
- Blankets as the new fashion accessory (for outdoor dining, above)
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Athleisure wear.
- Home-based workouts.
- Specialty tv networks—e.g., Discovery+, Disney+, HBO Max, and Peacock—plus record viewership for Netflix, Amazon Prime, and HBO
- Zoom calls, and so you look good on them, special home-lighting kits.
- Bread. (If one more person tells me about their sourdough starter…)
So how are you spending your time at home? What are your go-to products or passions? Have you invented a new cocktail or recipe? Picked up a new hobby or rediscovered an old favorite? Let us know and we’ll share it with our network because more than masks and wipes, what we’re all desperate for are ways to widen our personal “comfort zones.”
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